Just when sitting down at the keyboard looks more like a chore than fun, a reviewer brightens your day. I can't tell you how many times this has happened for me. Yesterday I stayed up quite late, trying to push my way through another chapter of The Living Hunger sequel, but feeling somewhat labored and stressed. By the time I went to bed, I was excited by the prospects the story was beginning to take on and then I noted a nice, little review by Amazon reader, Jim.
It's funny how a few appeciative, encouraging words can motivate and inspire.
Thanks, Jim, whoever you are. I'm seated at the computer this afternoon with a greater desire to create and explore.
"I truly enjoyed reading this series ...Mr Larson built characters that
you got to know and were fully part of ! .. Recommended for all ages
..And Highly recommended as great entertaining reading !
Kinda hope there is a Book 4 ....How about it Dennis?"
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