A 1000 years in the future, a remnant of earthly beings inhabit a new planet, with a new way of life. Magic, very real and powerful, must save them from a new threat. I love the premise of this book and others written by Mr. Powell. Today and until March 22 pick up two of his SciFi books for only $0.99.
If you enjoy futuristic tales of good pit against evil, or alien forces, this is a #mustread for you.
Here's the synopsis for Book #1 in the Cypher Theorem Series:
The energy war, the nuclear war, the food war. Earth had been
ravaged by them for two centuries, leaving the soil unable to sustain a
large population. A hero and leader emerged and took humanity to the
stars. The second planet that mankind calls home is named Eden.
Life on Eden didn't start out as it had on Earth, humanity brought technology with them, but Eden had a gift to bestow, magic. It was quickly adapted to everything, and time lead to humanity rebuilding back to its former glory, and beyond.
has been 1000 years on the new home, and that is where we find Vernon
Douglas. He is a high school student who is not blessed with the gift of
natural magic. He has to focus through runes for his magic to work,
as does a quarter of the population. High school is a nasty place, but
for Vernon it is about to end. He has dreams of becoming a Paladin of
the Order of Astrum, but he doesn't know how he would ever become
noticed to be chosen.
Fate has given him a chance in the form of a magical arts tournament, newly available to high school students. Mixed
Magical Arts is a sport that was created to test the limits of magic,
while making a game of it. His best friend Duke joins his side, as his
firebrand girlfriend Marie cheers him on.
Does Vernon have what it takes to get him through the tournaments?
Is his dream of becoming a Paladin out of his reach, or out of his hands?
Come and follow him through his final year, and find out.
Click on the books to see the Amazon Retail Page:
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